Amazing to be "SHE"

                          Amazing to be "SHE"

Are you a working woman or a homemaker? Doesn’t matter who you are, a CEO or a school teacher. What matters is that you are a woman!

Every woman is indulged in their own lives in one way or the other. Shilpa, a homemaker starts her day at 5 a.m., cooks food, nourishes her family and finally rests herself at 11.00 P.M at night. On the other hand, Maitree, CEO of a multinational company, starts her day boosting up her muscles, helps her maid in preparing the breakfast for herself and her family. Before she leaves home, she makes sure that she is ready with her presentation that she has to deliver to her client.

This is a scenario from every woman’s life where she hardly gets time to breathe and hence needs space for herself. After spending time for their family, kids, office commitments, I think a woman needs a particular day to rejoice, relax and entertain herself.

Hence, I proposed a question in my last post as how a woman would like to relax and enjoy a day for herself every week. I am proud to have a few ladies on the forum. In spite of being in a busy schedule, women should be able to spend time for themselves, just to relax and make their soul happy. However, most of us are not able to do it due to family commitments, improper planning, time management and some because of laziness.

Give me a day of yours and I will make sure when you will come back to bed, you will feel awesome. The only thing you have to do is try the below steps. I hope I will not disappoint you.

How are you feeling now? I am feeling happy and contended J Let me know your thoughts about this day and please let me know if you have better thoughts to pamper yourself. Cheers to Womanhood!